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Disaster Literacy and TOGA in Cibulakan Village, Cianjur

The Institute for Research and Community Service of Pancasila University (LPPM UP) conducted community service activities with the theme "Disaster Literacy and Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA)" located in Garogol Cibulakan Village, Cugenang District, South Cianjur (15/03).

This activity was attended by Deputy Head of LPPM Gunawan Baharuddin, Ph.D and his staff, Riza Darma Putra MIKom also Dra. Umi Marwati, M.Sc. as speakers, representatives of Pancasila University Students, and the Head of RT of Garogol Cibulakan Village along with 40 residents.

In his speech, Gunawan said, "This disaster literacy and TOGA activity is one of a series of disaster response activities by Pancasila University for villages affected by disasters. After this activity, Pancasila University will also rebuild the clinic that was originally destroyed by the earthquake that hit Cianjur in the past, as a real effort to support the recovery and preparedness of the local community."

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