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Community Service Activities Through Yogurt Making Training

As an effort to improve public welfare, especially in the health sector, one of which is done by providing education related to highly nutritious food and prevention of various diseases. In addition, training that provides benefits to the community in the health sector also needs to be carried out. Through the Institute for Research and Community Service, Pancasila University (LPPM-UP) provides socialization and training in making yogurt.

The main activity is in the form of socialization and direct training in making Yogurt as a food that contains high probiotics. This activity was attended by cadres of the RW 05 Rawajati integrated health post. Residents who are known as MSMEs were very enthusiastic about participating in this activity which took place at the RW 05 secretariat. Present as a resource person were the Head of the Research and Community Service Unit of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University, Dra. Umi Marwati, M.Si. The activity was carried out by providing knowledge about yogurt, how to make and store it, and conducting tutorials in front of residents.

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