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Laying of the First Stone of the Pancasila Healthy House in Cibulakan Village

The Institute for Research and Community Service of Pancasila University (LPPM UP) held an event called “Laying the First Stone of the Pancasila Healthy House” which was located in Garogol Village, Cibulakan Village, Cugenang District, Cianjur Regency, West Java (25/04). This event was attended by the Acting Rector of Pancasila University, Prof. Dr. Sri Widyastuti, SE, MM, M.SI., Vice Rector II Dr. apt. Novi Yantih, M.Si., Head of LPPM Irfan Ihsani, ST., M.Sc., and other leaders and the Head of Cibulakan Village Baden Zaki Rahman, and the village community.

On the first visit, UP conducted post-earthquake rehabilitation in collaboration with the Faculty of Psychology with the aim of rehabilitating the psyche of the Cianjur earthquake victims, which was continued with Disaster Literacy and Family Medicinal Plants activities, and the current activity is the construction of the Pancasila Healthy House. "The Pancasila Healthy House is a very important initiative to build community welfare in Cibulakan Village. It is hoped that through this collaboration, community participation in various activities will increase, and Cibulakan Village can be an example for other areas in terms of health, empowerment, and sustainability.

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