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Pancasila University and Pertamina Foundation: Innovation and Technology Competition Program

LPPM Pancasila University together with Pertamina Foundation conducted a socialization of the PFSains program to provide space and opportunities for UP lecturers and innovators to develop themselves, compete through creative and innovative ideas to become actors who can make positive contributions to the development of technology and energy.

Mrs. Dra. Diennaryati Tjokrosuprihatono, M.Psi., as the Vice Rector for Field 4 of Pancasila University warmly welcomed the head of the PF Sains project, Mr. Ermawan Fitra and greatly appreciated this activity and provided motivation to the lecturers who attended this program to actively take part in this PFSains competition.

Mr. Gunawan Baharuddin, Ph.D as Deputy Head of LPPM UP said "2024 is the fifth year of PFsains. This year, the innovations developed are expanded not only limited to EBT (New Renewable Energy) but into 2 (two) innovations, namely technological innovation and energy innovation, which include the ideation category and implementation category." 

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