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Benchmarking Defense University and Pancasila University

The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Defense University (Unhan) conducted benchmarking activities with the Institute for Research and Community Service of Pancasila University (LPPM-UP) in the framework of cooperation in improving the quality and effectiveness of research and community service,

The meeting took place at the UP Rectorate Building and was welcomed by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sri Widyastuti, SE., MM., M.Sc., Vice Rector for Administration, General Affairs and Assets, Ir. Handrito Hardjono, MM., MPA., MSM., Director of HR-UP, Drs. Untung Leksono, M.Sc., Psi. Head of LPPM-UP, Ir. Irfan Ihsani, ST., M.Sc. along with other staff.

Head of LPPM-Universitas Pertahanan, Prof. Dr. apt. Yahdiana Harahap, MS, explained, “We want to learn from several universities that have various advantages in the field of research and community service. One of the universities we chose for this benchmarking is UP. With this benchmarking, we hope that UP and Unhan can collaborate in the future in this field,” said Prof. Diana.

One of the important outcomes of this benchmarking activity is an agreement to undertake a joint research and service project that will involve both universities. This project is expected to produce more comprehensive research and service and have a positive impact on the wider community.

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