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Village Community Economic Empowerment by UP and Kemendes PDTT Through Bumdes in Antajaya Village

Pancasila University (UP) together with the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) held an activity on Village Community Economic Empowerment through Bumdes in Antajaya Village, Tanjungsari District, Bogor Regency. (29/7)

This activity was attended by the Vice Chancellor I of Pancasila University, Prof. Dr. Sri Widyastuti, SE, MM, M.SI., Head of Tanjungsari Sub-district, Totok Supriyadi, S.Ap., MM, Head of Antajaya Village, Andika Pamungkas, SH, MH, along with village officials, and the Head of the ASN Employee Training Center of the Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration represented by Hari Kristanto. In addition, the UP Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) team was also present with speakers, namely Dr. Laili Safitri Noor, SE, MM, Dr. Meizar Rusli, S.TT., M.Sc., and Dr. Ir. Atie Trijuniati, MT, and attended by 70 participants consisting of high school students, youth, and community leaders of Antajaya Village.

Prof. Dr. Sri Widyastuti on that occasion advised, "Proper education and training are the main foundations in building community capacity. Let us utilize this knowledge to develop existing potential." Meanwhile, Hari Kristanto emphasized, "The Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration hopes that all potential in terms of food and tourism can be maximized by the Antajaya Village community."

In his speech, the Head of Antajaya Village, Andika Pamungkas said, "Economic empowerment through Bumdes is one of the keys to improving the welfare of village communities. We hope that this activity can be a good first step for local economic development." Then, the Head of Tanjungsari District, Totok Supriyadi added, "Collaboration between Pancasila University and Kemendes PDTT is very important in order to encourage village progress and create new business opportunities."

This activity was continued with the delivery of material from Dr. Laili Safitri Noor, SE, MM who presented material entitled "Village Business Management and Administration", then Dr. Ir. Atie Trijuniati, MT who discussed "Development of Irrigation Systems and Rainwater Management as Alternative Solutions for Irrigation Systems in the Dry Season", and finally Dr. Meizar Rusli, S.ST., M.Sc gave material "Forming and Developing Tourism Aware Communities to Manage Village Tourism Potential."

This activity is expected to provide a positive impact and open up opportunities for the community to be more empowered in managing their regional potential through Bumdes.

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