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Technical Guidance & Review of BIMA DRTPM Grant Proposal Kemendikbudristek

The Technical Guidance and Proposal Review activity is an activity carried out by the Research and Community Service Institute of Pancasila University in order to improve the quality of UP lecturer proposals that will be proposed to receive the BIMA Kemendikbudristek grant. The activity carried out on Wednesday, March 20, 2023, was a follow-up to the letter from the Directorate of Research, Technology, Research, and Community Service of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology regarding the Announcement of Acceptance of Research and Community Service Proposals with the hope of increasing the chances of passing the selection and funding the proposals that will be sent by the proposing lecturers to the BIMA Kemendikbudristek Grant. 

The number of proposals expected by LPPM UP reaches 50 research proposals and 25 PkM proposals. For information, last year Pancasila University passed 23 research proposals and 3 PkM proposals funded with a total budget of 2.4 billion. This year, it is also expected that there will be many proposals with a postgraduate research scheme for master's and doctoral programs so that it can improve the quality of research and output of postgraduate students. 

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