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Independent KKN Provision Material for August 2021 Period

Greetings from Pancasila

On Thursday-Friday, August 5-6 2021, LPPM Pancasila University carried out the Pancasila University Independent KKN Briefing for the August 2021 Period through Zoom Meeting at 7:30 WIB – finished, attended by the Vice Chancellor, Dean, Vice Dean, Head of Bureau, Head of Institution, KKN Supervisor, Task Force, LPPM and KKN participants, namely students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences.

The following briefing materials that have been presented by several speakers can be downloaded and studied again.

Briefing materials on Thursday, August 5, 2021:

  1. Philosophy of Community Service and Pancasila delivered by Dra. Hj. Dewi Trirahayu, MM 
  2. KKN ethics and safety and security guidelines for KKN delivered by Dra. Hj. Dewi Trirahayu, MM
  3. Field Observation Techniques in the Midst of the Covid19 Pandemic delivered by Irfan Ihsani, M.Sc
  4. Material about Covid19 delivered by Apt. Andri Prasetyo, S.Si, M.Farm, and Apt. Desi Nadya Aulena, M.Farm
  5. Empowerment of MSMEs affected by Covid 19 delivered by Tryas Chasbiadani, SE, MSAk.,CA.,CPAI
  6. Digital Marketing For MSMEs delivered by Aulia Keiko Hubbansyah, SIA, Sk.MM, MSE

Briefing Material on Friday, August 6, 2021:

  1. Creating Work Programs Online and Offline delivered by Riza Darma Putra, M.Ikom
  2. KKN Reporting Format delivered by Riza Darma Putra, M.Ikom
  3. Assessment Method delivered by Riza Darma Putra, M.Ikom
  4. Outline of the Thematic/Independent KKN Program Emphasis on the Rate of Covid-19 and Empowerment of SMEs affected by Covid19 delivered by Riza Darma Putra, M.Ikom
  5. Persuasive Communication Techniques delivered by Faridhian Anshari, MA
  6. Techniques for Writing Scientific Articles for Community Service delivered by Irfan Ihsani, M.Sc

Note: Follow Instagram KKN at @kkn_lppm_up or visit the link

Thank You

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