The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Pancasila University is an institution established to be a legal umbrella for the implementation of research and community service activities at Pancasila University. LPPM is responsible for coordinating the implementation of 2 of the 3 Darma in the Tri Darma of Higher Education, namely the Darma of Research and Community Service.
LPPM at the beginning of its formation was an institution that was formed separately, namely the Research Institute and the Community Service Institute. The establishment of the Research Institute and the Community Service Institute is a manifestation of Pancasila University's commitment to advancing the development of national education through the development of research and community service activities by utilizing the potential resources owned by Pancasila University, namely lecturers who have the desire to develop knowledge through research activities and improve the skills and welfare of the surrounding community through community empowerment activities. Thus, it is hoped that the presence of Pancasila University in the midst of society can become a "Beacon Tower" for the surrounding environment and not an "Ivory Tower" that does not care about the community.
Along with the development, in 2013 through the Rector's Decree No. 2037/R/UP/VII/2013 a reorganization was carried out within the Research Institute and Community Service Institute. These two institutions were merged into one with the aim that research activities can be integrated with community service activities and become sustainable. The output of research activities can be continued with community service activities that are beneficial to the industry and the surrounding community.
In 2019, there was another organizational development. LPPM Pancasila University was asked to carry out the mandate of managing journals within Pancasila University and improving its accreditation and management of Intellectual Property. To support the smooth running of activities, Pancasila University issued Rector Regulation No.21/PER.R/UP/XI/2019 concerning the Organizational Structure of the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Pancasila University.